A Wishful toast to Fisher's Drinking

wishful_drinking-posterThe force is strong with this one.Carrie Fisher's Wishful Drinking, her one-woman stage autobiography, continues its wild ride.The Bay Area saw the show twice at Berkeley Repertory Theatre before it landed on Broadway. The book with the same name was a New York Times bestseller. And now Wishful Drinking is an HBO documentary. Let the Star Wars nerds rejoice.The show, subtitled "A one-woman show about being Carrie Fisher," has its broadcast debut at 9pm Sunday, Dec. 12 and repeats through Dec. 28 (on HBO) and Dec. 29 (on HBO 2).Visit HBO's Wishful Drinking homepage here.I don't have HBO, so I'll have to enjoy these clips from the movie and wait for the inevitable (as yet unannounced) DVD. There are more clips on the website.


2010 in the rearview mirror: My Top 10


Hot Babes! Even hotter tunes!