RIP Rosie

I have to admit that last week's "contretemps," as Barbara Walters put it, between Rosie O'Donnell and Elisabeth Hasselbeck left me a little sad.I have TiVo'd "The View" pretty much every day since O'Donnell joined the cast last September, and I grew quite addicted. The conversations were lively (and a shout out to Joy Behar, a consistently funny, opinionated and intelligent woman who never really gets her due) and interesting, and though the guest spots could be tiresome, I thoroughly enjoyed all the Broadway pizzazz O'Donnell brought to the show. I hope the producers (one of whom is Walters) keeps up the Broadway connection forged by O'Donnell.The saddest part is that O'Donnell's premature departure (by three weeks) robs us of a proper goodbye for the big-mouthed and even bigger-hearted host who has done the most to make the show watchable on a daily basis (I'll still probably check in with the show from time to time).I know it's wrong, but I'm glad O'Donnell's producer scribbled a moustache on Hasselbeck's photo, and I'm even glad guest Alicia Silverstone (who had the misfortune to be the first person onstage after Rosie and Elisabeth's knock-down-drag-out) snubbed Hasselbeck and gave O'Donnell a big, fat hug.Of course we'll be hearing more from O'Donnell (there's a rumor buzzing that she's going to be Madame Thenardier in the current Les Miserables revival), but I'll miss haning out with her everyday.


Review: `Take Me Out’


Tony party planning