Photobucket - Video and Image HostingLaura Bell Bundy (in pink, naturally) as law student Elle Woods faces off with a law professor (Michael Rupert), much to the delight of fellow student played by Kate Shindle (left) in Legally Blonde, The Musical at San Francisco's Golden Gate Theatre. Photo Credit: Paul KolnikWe here at Theater Dogs don't believe in reviewing shows before they've opened, but we're not above buzzing when the preview buzz is good.Legally Blonde, The Musical had its first preview on Tuesday (Jan. 23) at San Francisco's Golden Gate Theatre. Spies in the house reported that some set snafus that had dogged final rehearsals were absent and that the show -- which opens here Feb. 6 and heads to Broadway with previews beginning April 29 at the Palace Theatre -- is a heck of a lot of fun.Our spy Dogs had a rollicking good time at the show, with especially high marks going to director/choreographer Jerry Mitchell's big numbers, Laura Bell Bundy's unflagging energy and charm and a couple of razzle-dazzle songs.Reminder: this is not a review, but the spies did have a three-word summation: MAJOR CROWD PLEASER.For more Legally Blonde info, visit


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