Review: `Territories’

Opened Jan. 19, 2007, Magic TheatreKnights, princesses, justice battle in Magic's bold Territoriesthree 1/2 stars (Riveting, re-imagined history)History is full of incredible, intelligent, brave women who helped change the course of the world. Trouble is, because they were women living in unenlightened times or places, their names have been lost to us.That is the basic inspiration for Betty Shamieh's Territories, which had its world premiere last weekend at San Francisco's Magic Theatre. This is Shamieh's return to the Magic after the success of her drama The Black Eyed in 2005. From that production, Shamieh reunites with director Jessica Heidt and actor Nora el Samahy.El Samahy plays Alia, a Muslim princess and sister to the Sultan, Saladin (Alfredo Narciso), the ``famous Kurdish cur.'' She is captured by the French knight Reginald de Chatillon (Rod Gnapp), a 12th-century Crusader bent on terrorizing the Middle East and helping his king (and the Pope) bring Jerusalem into the Christian fold.While the basic facts of Shamieh's play are backed up by history -- the Christians were defeated by Saladin's armies, and their loss led to the formation of the Third Crusade -- the playwright exercises her creative muscle to delve behind the facts and surmise just how Saladin and Reginald came to blows.Shamieh's interesting take on the story gives us a crafty woman -- Alia -- for whom life has not been easy. Though born into royalty and beauty, Alia is considered a cripple because she suffers from debilitating seizures. Her chances of marriage are slim, and even her brother, who adores her, tells her bluntly: ``You will not be loved.''But Alia will be loved, and she will do everything in her power to protect her people and her country. She hatches a plan and sees it through, as she makes a dangerous pilgrimage to Mecca and, just as she guessed she would, is taken prisoner by Reginald.Director Heidt's incisive production is simple but effective. Melpomene Katakalos' set, lit in golden tones by Ray Oppenheimer, is one of burnished Arabian grandeur. One side of the stage is Saladin's palace, the other is Reginald's dungeon, complete with instruments of torture. Behind the sheer curtain is percussionist Brandi Brandes punctuating the drama with an effective percussive score (sound design by Will McCandless).When we first meet Alia, only her eyes are visible through her burka, but as the story unfolds, we see her in her flowing princess finery (gorgeous costumes by Fumiko Bielefeldt). Her softness and beauty contrasts greatly with Reginald's chain-metal armor and his sadistic zeal when it comes to torturing his prisoners.But the fierce Alia is different from any of Reginald's other prisoners, and Shamieh handles their unusual love story -- beautifully acted by el Samahy and Gnapp -- with intelligence.Though only about 70 minutes long, Territories feels substantial and relevant. Shamieh writes in a contemporary vernacular and finds ways to infuse humor into the sometimes tense action. When Reginald makes a grand pronouncement to Alia, she shoots back, ``I came here a crippled virgin. Don't flatter yourself.''Heidt also lends the production a graceful touch with some nicely choreographed (by Monique Jenkinson) and highly stylized battle scenes. The choreography also comes into play when Alia has a seizure, and the world around her dances.Whether it would really have been possible for the sister of the Sultan to inspire a clash between the Crusaders and the Muslims, who can say for sure? But Shamieh, in amending the book of history, asserts that women did all kinds of extraordinary things we can never know about because, in history's eyes, they were nameless and faceless.Territories gives us the name, face and bold deeds of one woman, and we leave the theater reminded that history rarely tells the whole story. It's up to art to help fill in the blanks.Territories continues through Feb, 10 at the Magic Theatre, Building D, Fort Mason Center, Marina Boulevard at Buchanan Street, San Francisco. Shows are at 8 p.m. Wednesdays-Saturdays; 2:30 and 7 p.m. Sundays. Tickets are $20 to $45. Call 415-441-8822 or visit for information.


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