J-Boys on the Emmys

Playbill Online reports that the San Francisco cast of Jersey Boys will be performing on the Emmy Awards telecast, Sunday, Sept. 16 at 8 p.m. on Fox.Here's who you can expect to see on the tube: Drew Gehling (as Bob Gaudio), Michael Ingersoll (Nick Massi), Jeremy Kushnier (Tommy DeVito) and Jarrod Spector (Frankie Valli) lead the Jersey Boys company, which also features Dominic Bogart, Lyndsey Cole, John Michael Coppola, John Michael Dias, Mike Erickson, Steven M. Goldsmith, John Hickman, Lauren Marshall, Rashad Naylor, Jenny Lee Ramos, Brad Russell, Kevin Russell, Jake Speck, Kara Tremel, Ryan Quinn West with Craig Laurie and Jonathan Weir.The San Francisco production of Jersey Boys continues through Sept. 30 at the Curran Theatre.There's a rumor buzzing about that the Las Vegas cast of Jersey Boys may come back to San Francisco in December as a test run before heading to the arid desert. Who could blame them?For ticket information in San Francisco, visit www.shnsf.com.


Review: `Sleepy’

