Dreaming of ‘Dreamgirls’

Want a goosebump experience? Check out the official site for Dreamgirls, the upcoming movie version the kick-a** 1980 Broadway musical.I got all revved up about this when I first saw the teaser trailer last Christmas, but now we've got an official site and everything with a tantalizing documentary, juicy film clips and snippets of musical numbers.iTunes is offering a single, the disco-licious "One Night Only," by "The Dreams," and that is one tasty morsel.Please, oh, please let this be the musical that makes us forget recent movie musicals of Rent, The Phantom of the Opera and The Producers. (A side note: I happen to be of the opinion that this summer's completely charming and underrated A Prairie Home Companion is actually a very gentle musical about death, but I'm probably in the minority there).Anyway, with Bill Condon, screenwriter of Chicago and writer/director on Gods and Monsters and Kinsey, there's reason to be hopeful.And what about this cast? Beyonce Knowles, Jamie Foxx, Eddie Murphy, Jennifer Hudson and Anika Noni Rose (an American Conservatory Theater MFA graduate). More reason to think this won't be a disaster.Makes me a little nervous that there are rumored to be four new songs (including one co-written by Miss Beyonce), but we'll see about that. "I Have Confidence" was added to the movie of The Sound of Music, and now I can't imagine the score without it.Now, don't even get me started on the upcoming movie of Hairspray...


‘Dreamgirls’ sneak peek


`Chorus Line’ Magic